- Jonga Fan
Infinite Hyphae
Project inspired by an experience of growing my own fungi at home. The fungus growing part turned out to be unsuccessful due to moisturizing problems, but throughout the process I found the pattern that the fungi created when they’re growing are rather interesting. A hypha is a long, branching, filamentous structure of a fungus, it grows in a really mercurial manner and theoretically it could be eternally extending.
Is there a way where you can experience and witness the growing fungi without actually growing it?
This project will create an interactive visual experience of the growing of hyphae, creating beautiful funguses patterns.
The code utilizes the principles of interactive animation to simulate the growth of hyphae. As we move our mouse across the canvas, the code detects the position of our cursor. This interaction acts as the trigger for the growth of the hyphae. Each movement of the mouse initiates the growth algorithm. New hyphae segments are dynamically created, branching out from the previous segments based on predefined rules. The branching pattern of the hyphae is governed by parameters such as direction, length, and angle. These parameters are adjusted dynamically to create the intricate, branching structures reminiscent of real fungal networks.
At the core of this project lies an appreciation for the intricate patterns formed by fungal branches. Inspired by this, I embarked on developing a hyphae visualization, delving into its materialization process. Employing laser cutting and engraving techniques on MDF and acrylics, I translated these patterns into uniquely textured surfaces.
Through an interactive hyphae drawing experience, everyone can craft their own distinct hyphae patterns. Subsequently, this personalized design can be transformed into bespoke souvenirs and accessories through the fabrication process.